Contribution Opportunity

SRR is offering a return in spiritual, ecological, social, cultural and financial capital.

We are offering an opportunity to participate in co-creating a profound paradigm shift in our relationship with Mother Earth. At this critical time in human history, we require monumental shifts in thinking and impact. This project will bring about new awareness and understanding by exploring ancient wisdom and knowing, and the possibility of a greater, more symbiotic relationship with nature. In rebuilding our relationship with Mother Earth, we journey back to our own true nature.

In addition to innovating new ways forward in more ethical, equitable and harmonious relations with communities and Mother Earth, we are offering common shares in SRR Group. This legacy contribution will ensure real assets for your future generations and a chance to be part of a new path forward for healthy continuity.

Forests and other nature-based solutions can provide more than one third of the climate change mitigation needed by 2030. Supporting a new standard for mining will bring profit to local economies, your future generations and health to our ecosystems for long-term human benefits and quality of life. This makes your investment today generate financial, environmental, and social returns today and into the future truly infinite.

As a social enterprise working in partnership with the Global Indigenous Development Trust, we are able to receive both investment contributions and charitable donations.